Why are there not more 24hr Notaries in SanDiego?
So I'm sitting at a barbershop, right now at 10:07 PM . I'm glad we are not the only business that is open late. I find myself being extremely busy during the day as a notary . My nights are equally busy. I find them to be more busy than days honestly. Why is this? One may believe that many people work during the day and don't have time. Time is valuable I reflect on this as I have been at this barber for over 30 minutes with 4 barbers cutting and 4 people waiting in line . The other 3 people who wait in line must have been equally busy during the day. Barbers begin to argue about how late it is and ask the main barber to check the list and limit the clients from coming in . I'm sure as a business owner he cringes to hear it. I cringe when I hear and see it, especially since there are customers in line . That is money and more importantly a clients time!!! A 6th customer walks in only to be told it's an hour wait . He waits because of the need. Necessity is the mother of innovation and invention. As a notary in California you have the unique opportunity to provide notary service to a population of 1.3 million people. Will all 1.3 million people need a notary public in California ? Probably not, but if you paired it down and thought about the probability of people needing a notary the odds are great and the need is there. Countless documents need to be notarized in California . Recently I googled " 24 hour Notary Public" There was a tiny list of Notaries who were on it. Proudly, I saw Signature Notary San Diego among the group of Notaries, but yet there were not many notaries. I get it the Notary Business is not for everyone, however according to recent stats there are over 100,000 Notaries in the state of California. That list grows daily. Of those countless notaries there are over 10,000 active Notaries Public in San Diego County. Why is it that less than 1 percent are available 24 hours a day? For most being a notary is a hobby, something that they get just to get for a job and or thought about making a business out of it. Most don't have the technical know how to properly notarize a document. This is evident with the amount of documents I see from clients that have got rejected from whatever institution they were sending it to because of improperly notarizing the document. Most Notaries will never get the repetition it takes to be a truly savvy and professional California Commissioned Notary Public. One may believe most become notaries for a quick buck. Honestly there is too much of a saturated market to truly carve out a place at the table to make a living or career from it . We at Signature Notary San Diego see things different. We see that there is a need of people who need notary services, for the documents that can have an impact on their lives. We see the value in knowing that our services not only help people but also saves them time and money. As an member of Signature Notary San Diego, LLC. - I Believe that charging $ 10- 15 per notarized signature is ridiculous and hints the reason why we take the consumers point of view and charge on $5 per signature. Think about the idea of a company being open 24 hours a day and not only saving you money during mormal business hours but also after business hours. Think about not having to worry about getting a document notarized in an emergency day or night and getting price gouged. In another Notary blog I'll tell you all about how Notaries will price gouge people and how to prevent it. If you're looking for a notary company that is open 24 hours and does not rip you off ; Signature Notary San Diego is the place to look. $5.00 Per Signature Day or Night ..... #24hourNotary