Move over... Signature Notary San Diego now Offers Live Scan

It was only natural. We heard your call San Diego. You called  and we answered. The time is now. Affordable has been our identity since we began back in 2014. It will continue to be our identity  moving into offering  Live Scan Services in San Diego.

Live Scan in San Diego is essential for our community. Live Scan fingerprinting is an ink-less electronic fingerprinting that scans your fingerprints directly into the computer to do to determine who a person is so that a background check can be done. .  Daily employers are requiring some form of pre employment background check, but in most  instances a Live Scan fingerprinting is required before you can work there.
 Signature Notary San Diego's Live Scan Department has undergone extensive training and is certified by  the State of California  Office of the Attorney General  Department of Justice to  Roll Fingerprints.  If you need affordable Live Scan Services in San Diego; Signature Notary San Diego is now your premier choice  for all things live scan. 

 See our Live Scan Section for  pricing and more information.

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